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Target Change22/05/2023 18:09
Adjustments following the FY22 and Q1 23 results, inclusion of the new guidance
Change in Target Price | € 41.3 vs 34.8 | +18.9% |
The target price has been revised upwards given the increased NAV and DCF valuations.
Change in EPS | 2023 : BGN 1.65 vs 1.58 | +4.71% |
| 2024 : BGN 2.39 vs 2.27 | +5.31% |
The 2022 EPS was below our expectations because of intensified investment in sales and R&D structures, but this will be compensated in future by higher EPS according to the new outlook given by the management.
Change in NAV | € 12.8 vs 11.3 | +13.0% |
The sales estimates in the new guidance are better than expected for the Shelly and Myki brands, increasing our multiple-derived EV. Increased cash flow generation has also had a positive impact on our NAV valuation.
Change in DCF | € 74.4 vs 58.2 | +27.9% |
A better-than-expected EBIT for 2023 onwards will lead to increasing cash flow generation, which mechanically increases our DCF valuation.
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